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Categorize dependencies

The ac in pipac is for "add, compile."

pipac takes the same arguments as pipacs, but does not affect the current venv, as it adds and compiles without syncing.

Let's add a popular development tool, pre-commit, to our project's definition, without installing it:

[venv] % pipac -c dev pre-commit

This time, we used -c to specify a category. The effect is that the files written are and dev-requirements.txt.

Tab completion will suggest categories like dev, doc, and test, but any arbitrary name can be used.

If you have existing CATEGORY-requirements.{txt,in} files, those categories will be offered in tab completion, too.

% pipac --help
# Add to, then compile it to requirements.txt (add, compile).
# Use -c to affect categorized requirements, and -h to include hashes.
pipac [-c <category>] [-h] <pkgspec>... [-- <pip-compile-arg>...]


  • One input file can "include" another input or output file, if one of its lines is -r PATH/TO/REQSFILE
  • Similarly, the allowable versions of packages can be "constrained" with -c PATH/TO/REQUIREMENTS.TXT