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The primary requirements are Zsh, Python, and fzf, with optional additions for more colorful output, alternative json parsers, and faster performance.

Suggested Dependencies by Platform

$ sudo apk add fzf pcre2-tools python3 zsh
$ sudo pacman -S --needed fzf python zsh
$ sudo apt --no-install-recommends install fzf python3{,-venv} wget zsh
$ sudo dnf --setopt=install_weak_deps=False install diffutils fzf python3 zsh
$ brew install fzf pcre2 python zsh
$ sudo zypper in curl diffutils fzf python3 zsh

All Dependencies

  • uv -- for faster performance, leaner venvs, and more operational feedback
  • highlight or bat or rich-cli -- for pretty syntax highlighting; rich-cli adds fancy tables
  • riff or delta or diff-so-fancy or colordiff -- for more pretty syntax highlighting
  • jq or jello -- for theoretically more reliable parsing
  • zsh-defer -- for caching help content to eliminate a small delay in the first help message


Some of these can be installed after installing zpy, with zpy's pipz command:

% pipz install uv rich-cli jello
  • du, mktemp, md5sum or md5, and nproc or sysctl -- provided by coreutils, busybox, toybox, BSD, or macOS
  • diff -- provided by diffutils, busybox, BSD, or macOS
  • wget or curl -- provided by wget, curl, busybox, or macOS
  • a pcre tool -- provided by pcregrep/pcre-tools, pcre2grep/pcre2-tools, ripgrep, or Zsh with pcre enabled